It’s that time of year! Mustard greens are growing and blooming beautifully in our garden. Here is another way you can use it up. My mom loves to blanched the tender mustard green stalks, cover it and then keep it out for 2 days before using it. This is what makes this dish so special and tasty & we love to use it in stir fries. Especially with crispy pork belly! It’s another traditional Hmong stir fry dish in our family. And it’s oh so good! This can also be made sour too. Have you eaten this before? It’s one of my fav!
Mustard greens are blooming beautifully!
2 days of sitting in room temperature after blanching

It has a strong spicy wasabi like smell to it after 2 days of sitting. But don’t worry, it doesn’t taste spicy!

Basic Ingredients:
The 2 day blanched mustard greens, pepper, garlic, fish sauce, and salt.

Fry them up until crispy!
Serve with rice and enjoy!

- ---2 days blanched mustard greens---
- 3 lbs mustard greens
- 2-3 quarts of boiling water (just enough to submerge the greens)
- ---Stir Fry---
- 1.5 lbs blanched mustard greens (drained and cut into bite size pieces)
- 1.5 lbs pork belly (sliced) marinate in 1 tsp of salt
- 4 garlic cloves
- 4 Thai chili peppers
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp sugar (optional)
- 1 Tbsp fish sauce
2 days blanched mustard greens
1) Rinse the mustard greens well. Bring water to a boil and add in the mustard greens. Once the greens are all submerged into the hot water, quickly turn off the heat. Cover the pot with foil and then with a lid. Set it somewhere dark (room temperature) for 2 days before use.
2) After two days, check for smell. It should have a strong spicy wasabi like smell to it. If it does, it is ready to use.
You can make more and keep the already made ones in the fridge for about 2 weeks.
Stir Fry
1) Pound the garlic and chili peppers in a mortar n pestle. Set aside. Cut the greens into smaller pieces.
2) Cut the pork into bite size pieces and marinade with 1 tsp of salt. Then fry in a pan on medium heat until it becomes golden crispy. Drain all the fat out except 1 tbsp. Then add in the pounded garlic and chili (be careful at this point, spice aroma alert!). Saute for 30 secs and then add in the mustard greens. Add in 1 tsp of salt, sugar (optional) and then the fish sauce. Saute until everything is incorporated and sizzling. Turn off heat and taste to adjust seasonings. Serve with rice and enjoy!
The greens can also be made sour too!
1 comment
Hi, can you please provide the botanical name of mustard greens grown in your garden, or provide a link to buy the seed to grow.