Soybean Rice Cake: Ncuav Fuam

by Cindy Her

Nyob Zoo All!

Here is another Ncuav (rice cake) recipe for you all. Made with the addition of soybeans. In the Hmong Leeg dialect, we call this rice cake Ncuav Fuam [Ncuav Phom in the Hmong White dialect]. Ncuav translates to rice cake and fuam is the texture/consistency of the rice cake. It isย commonly eaten in the Hmong culture as a snack anytime of the year. Itโ€™s made with the addition of soybeans. Because soybeans contain fats and protein, it helps give the rice cake a unique soft texture and creamy/ slightly nutty flavor.

My grandma grew up making these back in Laos and still till this day. During that time, Ncuav fuam would be made in big batches so it can be consumed on a daily basis. My grandma said they would also sell them at the market or share it amongst family members.

Itโ€™s such a simple Ncuav, but itโ€™s full of history, love and nostalgia. So give this one a go and let me know if you love this one as much as me. Happy Cooking!

Main Ingredients

Soybeans & Sticky Rice:

Soybean gives this rice cake the unique fluffy, soft, and nutty flavor/texture. Using long grain sticky rice gives the rice cake a super tender, sticky texture, and slightly sweet flavor.

Dried Soybeans

Soaked soybeans

Long grain sticky rice gives this rice cake a sweet flavor and tender/chewy texture

Long grain sticky rice

The brand we like to use

Grind the soaked rice until it becomes fine. This gives the rice cake texture. Rather than using the super fine rice flour.

Boil the grind sticky rice in with the blended soybean waterย  Mix mix mix until you get a nice thick consistencyย  Form it into rectangles or your choice of shape. I like to wrap them in foil so they don’t explode with steaming them. You can use banana leaves as well. But I recommend, wrapping the banana ones with foil as well so they don’t explode.ย 

Steam it first before cooking them on a pan to give it color. If you allow it to cool completely overnight, they will peel nicely the next day.ย Enjoy!


-Cindy (C.HerCreations)

Soybean Rice Cake: Ncuav Fuam

Serves: Makes 8 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat


  • 4.5oz (128g) dried soybeans [soaked]
  • 4 "rice" cups (575 grams) long grain sticky rice (Rabbit brand) [soaked & grind]
  • 2 cups water (473ml)
  • 1/2 cups sugar (100 g)
  • Foil or banana leaves


  1. Rinse the soybeans 1-2 times and then soak the soybeans in lukewarm tap water for at least 6 hrs to 12 hrs. In another bowl, rinse the long grain sticky rice and soak it in lukewarm tap water for at least 6 hrs.ย 
  2. After soaking the soybeans, drain the water and place the soybeans in a blender with 2 cups of water. Blend until smooth. Then transfer the soybean mixture into a nonstick cooking pot. Add in 1/2 cups of sugar. Set aside until ready to be cooked.
  3. In a food processor, add in the well drained soaked sticky rice. Blend until the rice become fine and crumbly. The finer the better. I recommend using a food processor to completely grind it consistently since there's more space for the blade to catch all the rice without getting stuck since there's no water/moisture to help blend it. If you end up using a blender, you will probably have to stop the blender and stir every 5 seconds, which will take too much time.
  4. Once the rice is well grind, go ahead and start cooking the soybean mixture. Keep stirring and bring it to a boil and then immediately add in the grind up rice. Once added, keep stirring until the mixture becomes thick. It should take you 2-3 minutes or so. Turn down the heat so you don't burn the bottom. Once thicken, turn off the heat and allow it to cool until you can handle working with it.
  5. Prepare rectangle shaped foil or banana leaves. Add about 1/2 cups to 1 cup of the cooked soybean rice mixture into the center and wrap well. I did mine into rectangle shape. You can make it round, triangle, or any shape of your liking. Once formed, transfer to a steamer and steam the rice cakes for 25-30 minutes. Then turn off the heat and allow it to cool completely before consuming.
  6. You can enjoy it as is when it comes out of the steamer or pan fry it to get both sides crispy. You can also fry it in a little oil and sprinkle with salt if you desire. Store in the fridge (wrapped well) for at least 4-5 days. Enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚


1 "rice" cup measures to 3/4 US measuring cup. The foil will peel off nicely after it has cool completely. Do not peel when it's still freshly steamed/hot.

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Nou March 20, 2022 - 7:47 pm

Delicious! Tried & true! Thank you so much for sharing and please continue to!

Ealy July 4, 2022 - 12:03 am

Thank you for this recipe.

Sally September 9, 2024 - 9:22 am

Another amazing and detailed video! So helpful! My mom and aunt made these when we were little, but until now I never knew how they made it! Thank you for preserving this recipe. Your grandma looks like a sweetheart and reminds me a lot of my maternal grandmother (we loved her so much).


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